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Makeup brands vs skills

I always believed in skills rather than brand. Big makeup brand like mac cosmetics, kryolan, loreal, revalon were always there. I always used to try different products to get different results

huda beauty vs mac cosmetics

over the years I realized brand does matter on some cases but when I look through Instagram makeup brands it makes me think do they really matter?

No brand can compete the skills a person can have , we can have 10 high branded eyeliners in our makeup case, but if there is one odd day when we have forgotten eyeliner at home and we are with the customer, our skills will come to help us not the brand. That’s my experience.

It happened to me once and I had to come up with the idea quickly, without the client knowing. so I grabbed the black eyeshadow , scrapped it out ,mixed bit of mixing solution and voila there is an eyeliner. It might sound odd but saved my day.Those were the days when there were no 24 hour long lasting liquid lipsticks, and we used to put finishing powder on lips to make the lipstick matte and long lasting. To be honest it works upto this date.my clients love this technique.

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